daily prophetic word fathers heart

Your identity is being realigned as a valuable part of Canada. Sealed, I decree that the Father has positioned you as a gateway for His Apostolic Government to be established into this Region and into the Nation of Canada! The power to raise the deadthe power to raise the dead church from the place of Golgotha to the place of Dominion in Jesus Christ at the Father's right hand. * * * NEW POSTS * * * Please Share this Article: I hear the Lord say "It's Time! It seemed to me that in the dream, a move of the Spirit had been set in motion and no one would be able to stop it until He was done, until the task of removing dead branches and uprooting dead trees was complete. Come to Me with all your weariness, your frustration and your disappointment and lay them all down. They were swift runners as the shoes of the gospel of peace shod their feet with the message of purity and peace! Prepare the places and the spaces! I decree the blood of Jesus is being released to you today: touching and healing and delivering and setting you free from depression and oppression! Sealed, I decree Isaiah 58:11 over you which reads, The Lord will guide you continually. Will He not accomplish all that is in His Heart to do? This speaks to the biblical concept of marriage and the ONENESS that we are to walk in with Jesus Christ our bridegroom. The harvest is ripe and ready The sickles have been prepared for this new season! NOTES: In comparing these 2 scenes I understood what the Father was revealing:In the 1st scene at the strip bar- the strippers had risen up to become the entertainment themselves, drawing people to look at them and behold them. I see a smile begin to form on your face and I hear holy laughter erupting from deep within your belly, as you begin to look and see that you are holding the winning hand and I hear the Lord say, the winner takes all! Its time to enter the joy of your salvation! He Will Not Leave You without Answers For Your Life. Out of this, came a pair of hands and they were holding something. Sealed, I decree to you Africa, today you are being seated into your rightful place at the Fathers table of provision and I see the anointing of the Holy Spirit has come to rest upon you like tongues of fire! Holy Spirit I ask you to infiltrate every aspect of these daughters lives- oh that you would begin to accelerate and establish divine alignment into their spirits, their souls and their bodies! The figure stepped forward into the light and I knew instantly that this was the Commander of the Lords Army! Canada, I believe we are in a Joshua season where God is leading His people into a new Era much like He led Joshua and a generation to cross over the Jordan river into the promised land- into their destiny! Today, you will be encountered with the Fathers plans for your destiny! They had been positioned by the enemy to immobilize the people of this land. The camels have already come into Canada and it will be not only a healing Nation but a blessing Nation! The captives dont see the army either. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to Himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God" (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 TPT). They dont know their identity or their purpose. We want to be the Prophets in your life! For those who had eyes to see it was in this place that the Threshold was located. A new wineskin is emerging in California, and its ready to receive an infilling of fresh new wine! I see many workers in the harvest fields and theyve been labouring all day in the hot sun and theyre getting tired and theyre knees are getting weak as they thrust heavy wooden sickles into the harvest fields. I heard the Father say, Now thats what Im talking about- Im talking about My Love, My unfailing Love and I saw the African bride fall head over heels in love with Jesus, her glorious bridegroom! All powerall dominionand He is calling us to follow Himfirst to the cross, then to the grave and now is the time for the resurrection from the dead/ resurrection from the graves. THIS IS THE MOVEMENT OF MOTHERING AND NOTHING CAN STOP WITH THE FATHER IS DOING! Can you LET Him carry you?Can you surrender all?I mean truly surrender every aspect of yourself to Him? The Lord is bringing restoration of the Father's love to help children, of all ages, hear the Lord and know the Father's heart of love for them. This train represents the Spirit of Might that is being released upon a movement of mothering that is coming to the forefront- in the body of Christ in Canada! Thank you that today is the dawning of a new day! Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. In the spirit, I saw false prophets sitting in a dark room around a very large table. He is manifesting His glory in ways that will have the enemy utterly shell shocked! The movement of Mothering is releasing the movement of Fathering! Royalty does not exist without kingship. I hear Apostolic voices rising and breaking through the darkness as they lay hold and lay claim to the promises and the destiny of God for the continent of Australia. Put your attention upon Me, and you [], The Father says today that the full scope of all your inherited blessings in My name are on the horizon, waiting for you to tap into them. Today, we are reviewing a powerful daily prophetic word series that we shared almost two years ago. Recently, the Lord took me back to a prophetic dream that I had in Feb 2020 entitled: Prophetic Dream- The Season of Removal. As she began her ascent, she fixed her eyes on Jesus and followed him, step by step. Jesus Christ was the firstborn of the Fatherthe first to be crucified, buried and the first to be resurrected from the dead. And then I saw the dance begin to transform into a processional! I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. In the Vision, I was sitting on the Fathers lap and I grew quickly from a little girl to a mature woman. They are the long awaited Deborahs, like Deborah of old and they are being mantled with divine mandates for global healing and deliverance! We are made for this! I see a toppling and a falling away of the old wineskin and a souring of the old wine. This was a new standard, a new level of authority and Love that was being raised up in the church in Canada! Behold I am doing new things says the Lord!!! We are moving and shifting from a time of plowing and pioneering into a time of breakthrough. As I read, I saw a rising up of leaders in Canada who possessed this gift of wisdom to discern, organize and set people and places and things into proper order- according to the blueprint of Gods divine order. New wineskins are being formed in the church across Nova Scotia. I Decree a movement of the Fathers Love crashing and bursting into the state of California! The Holy Spirit is bringing the glass slipper back to its rightful owner because the right shoe can totally change your life!. I knew this woman was a modern day, Joan of Arc. Im breaking the orphan mindset from my church and birthing sons and daughters who will live in my presence and carry my Glory! I see a fresh supernatural confidence and boldness infilling the body of Christ in Australia as the revelation of who you are and what you are carrying begins to dawn on you, renewing your mind to the mind of Christ. Consummation legitimizes marriage as the 2 become ONE. Do You Need Someone to Agree with You in Prayer? No! The hour of receiving revelation of the Father-heart of God- El Shaddai : the many breasted one. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice say- Maggie, I told you to stay in the House. Immediately, I understood why I had felt so heavy and was struggling. Apostolic Mothers that will lead the charge and through their obedience, through their holy warfare, they will shift regions, cities, and entire Nations to turn to the Father-heart of God! Their soul is finally receiving what their spirit already knows! I watched as he carried it, preaching to others, oblivious to the fact that the branch had been cut off from its life source. Lord Jesus, cleanse me with your blood and set me free from all the effects of un-forgiveness in my spirit, soul and body. In the dream, I was shown the hearts of Gods true Prophets. The increase of the work of the enemy will always be overcome by a greater increase in God's people. So that you would accomplish all that is in My heart for this Nation. Today I am asking you to give me the years that you think have been wasted. This becomes possible because the complete man is the Body of Jesus, who is our head and seated with God. I pray that these daughters would prosper in all things and be in health even as their soul prospers! 1 Cor 10:4-6 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. Im remaking you into a people invincible, into Gods juggernaut to crush the godless peoples. I saw the Lord was releasing greater revelation of Authority to His Ecclesia (his Government) to destroy the power of witchcraft and the occult and displace it with the life and love of Jesus Christ. I saw myself weeping as I took the lifeless bodies of babies and put them alive again into the arms of their mothers and great joy broke out throughout the earth as these mothers cried with hearts of joy and gratitude to the Lord. Resolute Bay, I see the fire of the Holy Ghost coming to your house! I see real balance coming into Nova Scotia. I knew that the Holy Spirit was coming like a birthing Mother in this season and had been looking for a safe place and a safe space to birth and deliver these ones! Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. TODAY THE SHACKLES ARE COMING OFF AND TODAY YOU ARE BEING SET FREE! Earlier this year I saw a vision of Jesus standing in the streets of Canada. I saw a generation of sons and daughters who had been prepared by the Lord in the secret place. The Father says today, you are one with Me. And so we respond, we take off our shoes and we say "Lord, we are Canada, come and get us, come and take us over!!!". Asking Lord, what does being carried across this Threshold look like? This is a season of miracles because the God of miracles is here to bind up broken hearts and restore lost hope and open doors for provision. Jesus is the Word of God fulfilled. GOD IS SETTING YOU FREE! In removing the old clothing/the old mantle you might even feel vulnerable and nakedbut the old has to come off so that the new garments/ the new mantle can be put on. Every week I take some time to listen to the Father's heart to receive a prophetic word of inspiration for those who are part of this community. In the Spirit, I saw a TV screen and on it was a news broadcaster. The Lord will no longer tolerate those who would addto the simplicity of the gospelwith their own ideas and works of the flesh! And I hear the ROAR of the Lord coming out of Quebec and I see the fall of the strongmen that are planted there. I was given a vision that led to a greater vision/encounter as outlined below. The dreams and gifts within the Inuit are likened to tender shoots with deep roots. As I was standing in the vision looking at Jesus Christ, the Commander of the Lords Army, my husband who was sitting next to me in worship (and totally unaware that I was in the middle of a vision) suddenly taps on my shoulder and whispers to me take off your shoes. The Army has fixed their eyes upon Him. Because we want to make these dynamic and life-changing courses available as widely as possible! Rise up sons and daughters and receive the Nations for your inheritance! Mothers and fathers who have not rightly represented the Father, they have breached their positions of trust and through their actions have disfigured and maimed the souls of the ones they should have cared for, nurtured and protected. They are being released in this hour to set the Captives Free! A Davidic army arises as the Kingdoms of Saul are taken down. They all face front, moving towards the territory God is giving them, but when they pass by His throne, their heads turn and their allegiance is confirmed. And they will know you are Christians by your love. The old is passing away and the new is emerging! Sealed, I Decree to the origin/the root of Satanism that the axe has been laid to your root in the state of California Sealed, I Decree to the high places in California- all your occult practices, witchcraft and blasphemy is being bound up and cast down! This Scripture tells us when we come to Christ, old things pass away and all things become new. I see these feet are being shod with the gospel of peace and the anointing for power! He brings healing and deliverance to our soul to set us free from the work of the enemy and build capacity for more of Jesus. Today, I am strengthening you with my mighty right arm for I am your glory and the lifter of your head! This mountain represented a whole new movement of the Spirit, the birthing of a fresh ministry of Deliverance into the earth. Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. They are destiny releasers and will walk in the Glory of the Fathers goodness and kindness, carrying an anointing and an authority to release peoples, cities, regions and nations into the plans and purposes of the Father. I saw the body of Christ attacking and sabotaging its own body by aligning their agreement with these two spirits. They are unstoppable and unrelenting in their assaults to take back from the enemy all that has been stolen from themselves and their generations. I call forth the anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring Holy conviction and repentance and a desire for unity with one another. I break the effects of shame from your voice, and I declare that you will begin to speak with boldness and authority and you will shift false narratives and set the record straight! The Fathers love empowered them and they began to rise up in the water. I bless you as you receive and SHARE this word with others who will be blessed by it! For those who arent sure or who may feel convicted, I have included the following prayer: Heavenly Father, today I confess that I have yielded to a spirit of self-promotion.I repent for yielding to it, embracing it, partnering with it and agreeing with it.I renounce and I break all legal rights and powers associated with the spirit of self-promotion and in Jesus name, I take authority over it and I command it to leave me right now.Lord Jesus, cleanse my spirit, soul and body with your precious blood and deliver me from all the effects of this wicked spirit and my sinful actions.Holy Spirit, I invite you to fill me with your presence and power in every area where this spirit has occupied and affected me.Today, I choose to submit myself to you and to your leading in my life.I ask you to convict me of any hidden sin in my heart.Lead me, teach me and reveal in me the person and finished work of Jesus Christ.Lead me into a lifestyle of holiness.Renew my mind to the living Word Jesus and teach me the ways of God.I want to bear fruit, good fruit that will glorify my heavenly Father.Lord Jesus, thank you for your blood that cleanses and washes away my sin.I receive your forgiveness and I receive you today as my savior, my healer and my deliverer.I humble myself and I surrender myself to you Lord Jesus. It reminded me of something the Lord spoke to me several years ago- Dont take your cues from the enemy rather take your cues from the Holy Spirit. The high calling of "a woman" is being orchestrated and released even now as there has been a shift in the heavenly realms as realignments are taking place in His body. It was like a brand-new baby had being birthed! You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. I see the dust coming off those mantles and I see a revival of boldness in the Holy Ghost! They have the new wine coursing through their veins- the resurrection power! Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. The army can see that not only do the captives have chains on the outside but they also carry chains on the inside; their minds are bound up and distorted from the weight of the chains.

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