print desmos activity

Well be sure to post something in the announcements category if we ever add that feature. (added 9/10/16). While students can solve the systems of equations that arise here by graphing, the activity lends itself quite well to solving systems by substitution. These activities activities were found at, at Des-Blogs Friday Five, and sometimes @Desmos on Twitter. Here is a webinar that you can watch to become familiar with the Desmos Graphing Calculator 15-30 minutes. Marbleslide Challenge Setby Sean Sweeney. 30-45 minutes. Students explore the relationship between price and number of pieces for to different LEGO series ("Marvel Superheroes" and "Creator"). Edited w/love by Desmos. (added 4/18/17). 45-60 minutes. This activity introduces students to probability through a spinner game. by mathycathy. Anyone can make a code for an existing activity to give to their students. This visual introduction helps students self-check their algebraic steps along the way. by Paul Jorgens. 30-45 min. Inspired by Jon Orr. We hope it can be a valuable resource for those who want to stay up to date on the latest tools and activities, as well as an easy way to get caught up after a break. Students will reason abstractly and structurally, arguing that their expressions are the greatest or least possible. Adapted from CPM CCC1 Problem 5-89. by Robert Kaplinsky. In this activity, describe in words the domain and range of six relationships represented graphically. In this activity, students notice similarities and differences in a set of circles. (added 4/25/17), by mathycathy. Linear Pattern Match In this activity students are able to interact and explore different representations of a linear growing pattern. I had them print out their Desmos Art, and I made a huge collage of it on my wall in the back of the room. Y-intercepts express themselves as constants in linear equations. Edited with love by Desmos. Card Sort: Real Number Statements (Always, Sometimes, Never) by mathycathy. Domain and Range From a Graph by mathycathy. Woot! Through examining the commonalities in the equations of parallel and perpendicular lines, the students build the knowledge to write new equations for lines when given various information. (2016, July 28) Evangelizing desmos. Students create "Winking Boy" (a simplified Desman) by using linear equations with domain and range restrictions. Desmos is an interactive math platform that allows students to explore concepts deeply, collaborate with their peers, and practice creative problem-solving. A quick warm-up assessing TRANSLATIONS in the coordinate plane, designed for Math 8 students. This activity will provide opportunities for students to deepen their previous understanding with linear equations. Learning objective: find the distance between two points on a coordinate plane. Students work with bivariate data and construct scatter plots. Designed to spark vocabulary-rich conversations about functions and relations. Thats where you can step in. by Glen Lewis. This activity serves as an example of the usefulness of mathematical structure in general (in this case, the coordinate grid) and a potential launching point into discussions about rate of change for linear functions. For a the more traditional "hands on" version, by David Petro. This can be done individually or with a partner. by mathycathy. (Added 9/10/16). These challenges can be used with any level from Algebra 1 through and beyond Calculus. Prior to beginning this activity, students should have experience solving systems of linear equations graphically and algebraically. Eventually they'll create an algebraic expression and see how it helps them mow lots of lawns very quickly. Students place points to show values along straight or curved paths. They'll use data and linear models to make predictions. What can students do on Desmos? Hitting this button essentially copies an image of the screen to the clipboard. Point Collectorby Desmos Teaching Faculty. search for activities by keyword; bundles are well curated, Ordered Pairs and the Coordinate Plane | Target Practice, Exploring, Comparing and Finding Equivalent Fractions,, For more info, see this post from Dan Meyer, Card Sort: Angle Pairs Created by Transversals, Quadrilateral Sort: ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, NEVER, Equations on a Double Clothesline - Fractions, Card Sort: Real Number Statements (Always, Sometimes, Never), Open Middle Warm-Up: Exponents & Order of Operations, Standard Form and Scientific Notation Sort, Estimating Length Using Scientific Notation, Finding the Slope of a Line Using Rise/Run, Investigating Rate of Change from an Equation, Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form, Writing Linear Equations with restricted domain and range, TRUTH or LIE? Putting Points on the Line Students place points to show values along straight or curved paths. by mathycathy. Inspired by Jon Orr. In this activity, students use angles to adjust lasers and mirrors as they seek to hit all three targets in a series of challenges. (7 activities) From Polygraph to Oreos, the linear systems bundleintroduces students to the meaning of a solution to a system of linear equations, and gives them some instruction and practice in introductory solution techniques. Along the way, they'll consider the "story" told by the graph, regression equation, and (in a bonus challenge at the end) its residuals. Polygraph: Polynomial Functions. Finally, students practice solving equations using substitution and elimination. DESMOS Graphing Calculator Steps for Middle and High School Math Algebra I, DESMOS End of Year Graphing Project (slope-intercept, transformations), Piecewise Functions Desmos Artwork Activity (STEAM and Student Led), PreCalculus Bundle - First Semester (Trig, Functions, Logs, Function Analysis), DESMOS Holiday Graphing Project - slope intercept form, Desmos Graphing Calculator Scavenger Hunt, Animated Graphs Project Bundle (Desmos Activity), Introduction to the Desmos Scientific Calculator, DESMOS Curriculum for AP Computer Science A, Maze - System of Equations: Solve with TECHNOLOGY (Graphing Calculator / Desmos), Maze - BUNDLE Solve System of Equations - Graph, Substitute, Eliminate, & Apps, DIGITAL EMOJI - Solve Quadratic Equations by Graphing Calculator OR DESMOS, DIGITAL EMOJI BUNDLE ALG II: SOLVE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS DISTANCE LEARNING, DESMOS - Introductory Graphing Project - Slope Intercept Form, Inverse Function Investigation with, Key Features of Linear Functions Desmos Exploration Activity. number lines) to the TWO-variable representation of the coordinate plane. Choose your own adventure from 8 Visual Patterns! The Intersectionby Desmos. It could be a multiple choice selection, or math input latex, or a graph.number ('a'). If you prefer to facilitate the introduction/exploration of elimination in a whole class discussion, ask students to stop after Screen 7 (or, duplicate the activity and delete Screens 8-15). Charge! We recommend students work on this task using computers AND paper. For younger students, this may serve as an excellent introduction to thinking about angle measure. With that in mind, we've assembled a collection of unique and engaging digital activities at I use Desmos in class on an almost daily basis. Students will also interpret the meaning of the graph and equation in context. A stopwatch (or smartphone) and some measuring tapes are sufficient. Twin Puzzles A novel way to assess and/or review Order of Operations with students! In this activity, students determine whether a series of relationships represent functions. Students will be asked t Subjects: Algebra, Algebra 2, Math Grades: In this activity, students explore the idea of "steepness" of line segments. In this activity, students drag movable points along the number line to show the value (and meaning) of multiplication of fractions. Then ask them to play several more games, putting that precise language to work. How did you see it? (added 10/9/16). Inspired by and with gratitude to Illustrative Mathematics and Open Up Resources. In this activity, students explore the idea of "steepness" of line segments. This activity introduces students to probability through a spinner game. Instructing Siri to turn VoiceOver on or off. After they checked out Guess the Correlation(these are interactive activities that would be good at other times, too). Designed to spark vocabulary-rich conversations about triangles. by Andrew Stadel. Here are a few activities that give you a taste of the possibilities: Polygraphs, such as, are a guessing game between two classmates. Then they'll use those numerical expressions to help them write an expression with VARIABLES. Students will have to create their own sentences following the sort. There are four sorts that are all very similar to each other; you may wish to assign different sorts to different groups. Students can screen shot the graphs right on their screen and insert onto, Challenge your students to create a holiday symbol (Christmas tree, star, etc) by graphing linear equations in Desmos, a free online graphing calculator ( Students will also interpret the meaning of the graph and equation in context. One plan increases by $100 each day, while another grows by doubling the previous day's payment. Encourage students to select one or more of the challenges during class, and possibly one additional challenge at home. A riff off an Andrew Stadel "Exponent Mistakes" classic. Each row will show the activity information, date assigned, and a link to view the student's work if . (added 9/18/16). Solutions to Systems of Linear Equationsby Desmos. They will also decide which mixtures from a list will make the same paint color. This version addresses, by Jeff Jelus. (added 11/20/16), This activity helps students discover that perpendicular lines need opposite AND reciprocal slopes. This one is good for statistics or early algebra; it requires no equation expertise. To explore classroom activities, follow this link: Please start by creating your own free account. Edited with love by Eli. The activity closes by asking students to interpret the parameters in context. This activity is designed to serve as a formative assessment on student understanding of slope (graphically, algebraically, and numerically). They begin by identifying which graph is which (private, public, two-year), and continue by making a prediction, building and using a model, and testing their prediction against actual data. (also listed below with grade 8 linear), In this task, students analyze the structure of a visual pattern. (added 9/10/16). V2by Desmos. Activity creators can build a series of screens that walk a student through interactive activities. This activity is appropriate for students who have studied linear functions but may not have an experience with exponential growth. The aim of this activity is to challenge students' understanding about graphing linear functions and hopefully consolidate their learning of graphing slope-intercept form. [editors note: Seems redundant to activities in Systems Bundle]. Card Sort. Constructing Squares This activity will reinforce the basics of coordinate geometry and linear graphs with restrictions. Key vocabulary that may appear in student questions includes: concave, convex, equilateral, equiangular, regular, parallel, quadrilateral, pentagon, and hexagon. Marble Slides can work with nearly any level of students who is learning to graph. The linear model predicts they'll eventually have an instantaneous running time.) (added 4/18/17). (8.SP.1) This activity serves as a great precursor to an investigation of lines of best fit. You will also be able to read responses from other teachers who have participated. Pomegraphit by Desmos. Edited with love by Desmos Teaching Faculty. In that case, you may find the following imagesuseful. This series of Estimation 180 challenges focuses on the number of ketchup packets needed to fill paper containers with various sizes. No updates yet! Students will learn that adding multiples of the original equations produces a new equation of a line that has the same intersection point as the original equations. (2016, November) Funstion sort. 30-45 minutes. Students will observe a red point transform into a blue point by way of a mystery transformation. In this activity, students build coordinate plane proficiency through a guess-the-location-style game. Edited with love by Adrianne Burns. The presentation is for the teacher to display on the board. Students use numbers from the calendar to write expressions with a given value. After making an initial prediction, students use a graph to make a more accurate prediction. A set of 36 Marbleslide Challenges to run throughout the year. They reflect on these choices, and apply their learning by creating their own equations and tables of values that fall into each category. (10/9/16), by Suzanne von Oy. (10/9/16) [also listed with grade 8]. (added 10/9/16), by mathycathy. They move the equations around to. Even a great worksheet can be an even more awesome Desmos experience. Basic number properties card sort. Then the real fun begins. (added 4/18/17). Very simple 6th grade activity. In this activity, students apply (and deepen) their knowledge of one-variable inequalities to "collect" as many points on the number line as they can. In this activity, students predict the point of intersection for a system of two linear equations, at first without a grid, and then later with one. (added 9/2/17), Land the Planeby Desmos. Your students will LOVE the opportunity to digitally create a piece of art while showing their mastery of writing piecewise functions. This activity walks students through the discovery of the meaning of slope in a graph and equation. My next thought was matching, but I realized I didn't really want to print that out on cards, and then my brain remembered that card sorts are an option on Desmos Activity Builder! LEGO Comparison Students explore the relationship between price and number of pieces for to different LEGO series ("Marvel Superheroes" and "Creator"). They'll end by designing their own pattern and using the math they've learned to extend a pattern designed by a classmate. 6.NS.B.4, SMP1, SMP3, SMP6, SMP7 (added 12/3/16). Both activities contain the same problems.During the activity, students will:Sort standar. Match each geometric term with the correct definition. (added 4/16/17), Battle Boats [Primary Grades]by Desmos. They use this information to practice writing equations of circles that extend a given pattern or match a given set of conditions. Students will use unit rates in various ways to compare the sugary-ness of five cereals. The purpose of this activity is for students to develop an informal understanding of equivalent ratios. As students play, my hope is they will gain a deeper understanding of perimeter, area, and their independence. Inspired by, this brief warm-up experience is designed to help students apply the correct order of operations to numerical expressions that contain exponents. This Desmos card sort is a quick and easy way to help your students practice rewriting equations of lines. They find a trend line and interpret the slope of the line. Match graphs with their equations and evaluate. Match My Line A series of graphing challenges designed to build student understanding of linear functions in various forms. (added 10/25/16), Similar Rectanglesby mathycathy. Edited with love by Matt Vaudrey and Desmos Teaching Faculty. Its more of a general or open tool to be use as desired. In particular, students focus on linear vs nonlinear association, strong vs weak association, and increasing vs decreasing plots. Students make predictions about where lines will intersect. (16) $3.50. Desmos is great! Students will be able to: Restrict, reposition, and rotate lines at will using slope-intercept form Use precision in describing these transformations using words and/or symbols. Application. I'm a TI girl at heart, but love learning new things. Translations Quick Check by mathycathy. (n.d.) Marbleslides: Parabolas. In this activity, students use (or develop) their understanding of rate of change to determine whether a set of four points in the coordinate plane will form a parallelogram. (added 10/9/16), by mathycathy. Polygraph: Hexagons, Part 2 This activity follows up on Polygraph: Hexagons, using the discussions (and students' informal language) in that activity to develop academic vocabulary related to polygons. (8 activities) Starting with Polygraph and building towards Marbleslides, the linear bundleis for classrooms where students have plotted points in the coordinate plane, but have not yet mastered any of the various forms for linear equations. Desmos is an equity and access answer for all our students. (2016) In my own experience in the classroom, I see students who are hesitant to utilize the handheld graphing calculators effortlessly use the Desmos graphing calculator. They use a line of best fit to make predictions (interpolation and extrapolation) and reflect on whether it is reasonable for the trend to continue. Edited with love by Desmos and Dan Meyer. The (Awesome) Coordinate Plane Activity This activity will introduce students to coordinate plotting in all four quadrants through a variety of activities bullseyes, connect the dots, and mazes. The activity focuses on simple and compound inequalities. Return to Utilizing Desmos Activity Builder in the Mathematics Classroom. by Desmos. In this activity, students use linear modeling to predict how long it will take for a smartphone to reach full charge. v2 Activity Makeoverby Michael Fenton.]. (nonlinear). Students explore the relationship among angles formed by a transversal and a system of two lines. (added 4/25/17), Correlation Card Sortby mathycathy. This activity helps students understand the need for a common language to describe time and to surface early ideas about that language. Note: Students may get stuck on Screen 7. Using Desmos "Sketch" and projecting the "Overlay" of student work could create powerful classroom experiences for dialogue and error-analysis! Domain and Range From a Graph, Linear Regression and Correlation Coefficients. Edited with love by mathycathy. This is an exploration activity which utilizes, a free online graphing calculator, to allow students to explore the different transformations of functions. If the list is large-ish, it might be the better option. One is the picker and the other the questioner. After the picker chooses one graph or picture, the questioner asks yes or no questions and uses the answers to narrow down the correct graph or picture. Commuting Times This activity illustrates the relationship between a dataset (which is usually not a function) and a model of the data (whichin algebrais a function). There are multiple ways to solve a system, including: graphing, substitution, and elimination. Proportional / Linear, Students gather and analyze walking data (distance in feet compared to time in seconds), write equations to represent this distance-time relationship, and compare their own walking rates to others through multiple representations (numerical, graphical, and algebraic). How Many Peaches? Designed to spark vocabulary-rich conversations about transformation. For each set, identify what the s lines have in common. In this activity, students sort 10 types of fruit by tastiness and ease of eating in order to learn how those attributes can be represented on a coordinate plane, and to determine which fruit truly is "best". Using Desmos "Sketch", students generate patterns to explore zero as an exponent and negative exponents. Used in my Pre-Algebra class after introducing the concept of Irrational Numbers. Which One Doesn't Belong? Introduction. Key vocabulary that may appear in student questions includes: numerator, denominator, positive, negative, proper, improper, simplified, equivalent, terminating, repeating, closer to 1, and closer to 0. I wonder if there are any plans in the works to allow teachers to export user data from an activity. This Card Sort was adapted from the MAP Formative Assessment Lesson for Gr 8 "Solving Linear Equations in One Variable". Feel free to have students use the following handout to: 1) Describe the pattern in their own words; 2) Draw the 4th step; 3) Sketch the 43rd step; 4) Make a table; 5) Write the function for each pattern; Handout: by Andrew Stadel. You can learn more about accessibility features in the Desmos calculators in our accessibility documentation. This is an exploration activity which utilizes, a free online graphing calculator, to allow students to explore the different transformations of functions. Different properties will lead to different groupings by different students. While learners move through the inquiry-based activities, teachers can monitor student progress and understanding while watching the dashboard. Polygraph: Rational Numbers Designed to spark vocabulary-rich conversations about rational numbers. In this brief activity, students are given four equations with variables on both sides of the equals sign. In your summary conversation with your students, draw their attention to the relationship between slopes in parallel & perpendicular lines. The final screens provide an opportunity for students to experience the power of algebraic expressions. * "Squares to Stairs" task on * "Match My Pattern" by Jon Orr: Visual Patterns Workshop by Andrew Stadel. Card Sort. Students use informal language about the coordinate plane as they determine the matching graph. To learn more about teaching with Desmos, head over to, by Andrew Stadel. Students watch glasses filling with water and graph what they see to uncover (mis)conceptions about graphs. When students enter the code, Desmos randomly mixes up the cards on their screens. (8.SP.1) This activity serves as a great precursor to an investigation of lines of best fit. by Desmos Teaching Faculty. Key vocabulary that may appear in student questions includes: numerator, denominator, positive, negative, proper, improper, simplified, equivalent, terminating, repeating, closer to 1, and closer to 0. A quick warm-up assessing TRANSLATIONS in the coordinate plane, designed for Math 8 students. Have students guess how many slices of a pizza make a whole. Students will watch 15-second videos and translate them into graphs with your help. (6th or 7th Grade?). At Desmos, our mission is to help every student learn math and love learning math. (added 11/19/17). Introduction. Students describe relationships between quantities, make predictions about the correlation coefficient (r), use sliders to approximate lines of best fit, and use these lines to make predictions. Link to blog postabout this activity. This is an exploratory activity (students should need little-to-no help from the teacher). 5.0. Retrieved from, Desmos. Edited with love by Desmos. This activity is intended to be used to help students understand addition of positive and negative numbers on a vertical number line (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.NS.A.1) (added 10/9/16), Polygraph: Angles and TrianglesCreated by: Lisa Soltani. (added 2/9/17), Polygraph: Angle Relationships by mathycathy. A triple card sort to help students practice classifying functions: * that are and are not linear; * that are and are not parallel to a given line; * that are and are not perpendicular to a given line. 45-60 minutes. TRUTH or LIE? (added 3/21/17), In this activity, students work through a series of "pentomino sum" puzzles. (added 9/2/17), by Desmos. Grab some scrap paper, folks. Finally, students practice solving equations using substitution and elimination. They conclude by reflecting on the rates of change, and interpreting those values in context. This can be used as an independent investigation (if students have access to computers/personal devices) or as a guided lesson. This activity is based on the work of Don Steward. Meant to be a relatively quick activity. Let's start a "math fight"! A short review on linear systems that taps into student intuition and their understanding of: slope-intercept form attributes of a system with one solution attributes of a system with no solution (10/9/16). Edited with love by Desmos. Learning objective: find the distance between two points on a coordinate plane. , and sometimes @Desmos on Twitter. Students use random samples to estimate the size of a population. Students analyze features of a graph to match five population-vs-time graphs with five US cities. Linear Relationships - Tables Activityby Joel Bezaire. Describe scenarios representing bivariate data with positive, negative, and no association. tayside police road accidents today, ultium cells llc publicly traded,

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